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    Couples Counseling

    Your stomach sinks as you pull into the driveway, realizing your spouse is already home.  You wonder why hadn’t you stopped on the way home to run one more errand and avoid spending any more time than necessary in each other’s presence.  A sudden burst of stress rushes through your body.  You think to yourself what kind of evening will this be… Will it be loud or will it be quiet? Am I in for another day of the ongoing barrage of criticism?  Will there be arguing or will it just be another play at the infamous avoidance game? Choosing not to engage in any significant conversation has by far become the easiest.  You sadly realize that healthy communication between you two just simply doesn’t exist.

    You wonder if you will ever get beyond the blaming and the name calling, the excuses and the putdowns, the attacks and the salty remarks…the sarcasm never ceases to get old.

    Other times, the deep silence jars deafening and the path to each other’s thoughts and heart feels like such an insurmountable wall.

    You question…Will things ever get better?  Unresolved conflicts just seem to be the theme of your marriage. What does being in a loving, caring and respectful relationship even look like for you? Will you ever truly feel connected? Is it possible to even recover some of those warm and fuzzies you experienced early on in your relationship?

    Good news.  No matter how dismal the situation seems, things can always get better with sincere effort and the right support!

    In couples therapy, you will learn how to communicate your thoughts, feelings and needs to get what you want out of your relationship.  You also learn how to navigate conflicts in a healthy way so that your marriage wins and you can experience the safety and security of a committed and thriving relationship as you navigate the various life adjustments often accompanied by the different seasons of marriage.  You learn to reconnect and have fun together again, developing a deep appreciation for each other and the opportunities for growth that your relationship challenges sometimes unwittingly afford.

    Some issues that bring couples to therapy are:

    • Life adjustments
    • Balance (Work/Life/Family/Ministry)
    • Boundaries
    • Communication
    • Conflict resolution
    • Connection and Intimacy
    • Illness
    • Impending divorce
    • Infidelity/Cheating
    • Parenting
    • Pre-Marital/Readiness

    If you or your spouse would like to learn how to make your relationship better, please contact me today for a complimentary consultation!

    I would love to speak with you about how I can help you reconnect and rekindle your love and respect for one another.